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An obstacle course for your dog and you!

The course consists of 15-20 novel obstacles which the dog and handler negotiate and complete together. It is a non-competitive sport, focusing on teamwork between dog and owner, and having fun! The course is completed ON LEASH, allowing dogs of all abilities and training backgrounds to join in.

The events are held at local parks or in a smaller areas around the community.

The obstacles used come from a range of backgrounds. Dog agility equipment (on low training heights), children’s play obstacles (ball pits, tents etc.), as well as modified ‘equestrian cross-country’ obstacles including hay bales, log piles, tires and poles. Each event may have different obstacles, or arranged in different orders.

You and 15-20 other teams will come out for an hour of fun! Each team will get to run the course two times, with a third, fun-run in pairs if there’s time.

$25.00 per dog

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Dates for 2021:
June 27
July 24
August 21
October 9

Time slot options are 10am OR 11am. At McGaw Park in Fitchburg, WI

Register through the Fitchburg Rec Department *Click here!*

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•To prevent spread of disease to other puppies, participation is contingent upon your puppy having not attended large gatherings of dogs, such as dog parks or daycares. Puppies must be current on their vaccine schedules. Keep puppies with a cough or diarrhea at home.

Proof required

Wednesdays & Fridays between 8:00 - 11:00. Total time depends on group size. Limited to 4 puppies at a time. You drop-off and pick up on Lacy Road in Fitchburg. Minimum of 6 sessions so I can tailor the program to each individual puppy and to ensure progress. For puppies aged 8 -12 weeks at time of initial session. Can continue until 18 weeks of age. Includes a field trip with you and group office hours for questions that come up. Contact me if you’d like to hear more!


Sending your dog away to Board and Train is too hot.
The Wild West of puppy daycare is too cold.

Puppy Day Camp is juuuust right!

Small groups of 3-4 pups get professional, individualized attention and training.

Between 8 and 12 weeks of life, your puppy's brain is flexible and adaptable.  Exercising the brain at this stage will give him the temperament of a quality family dog.  This is the time to expose him to all kinds of strangers, animals, and environments.  Missing this window leaves gaps in your dog’s brain which causes high stress levels when being introduced to new things.  Such stress can cause fearful reactions, shyness, and defensive aggression.  

You’re busy as it is! Life hasn’t slowed down to give you time to adjust to being a new puppy owner. How will you onboard all of your puppy’s needed experiences in this short, 4-week window? That’s where I come in!

I prepare them so no matter what happens when they get older, they can say, "This is different, but I can handle it."

Puppy Day Camp is intended to supplement group puppy classes, not to replace puppy class. Classes cover information that this program does not. Class is to educate YOU, the owner. My role is to check all those socialization boxes before it is too late!

$925 for first 6-session pack

$890 for subsequent 6-session packs