You’ve seen that Dog Who looks so scared you think something terrible must have happened to him early in life.

In reality, the only fault in this animal’s past was insufficient, or poorly executed, early socialization. Puppyhood is the only time you can switch the track from heading toward fear and anxiety, to heading toward confidence, resilience, and an overall sense of well-being.  There is so much to understand about developmental stages of puppyhood, and important targets to hit. You’re busy with life as it is! That’s why I’m here to help now, when it counts. Your theoretical future self who has a mouthy, jumpy, hyper dog, or a shy, timid, snarling dog, will wish you could go back in time and start over the right way.  Your theoretical future self with a friendly, stable, well-behaved dog will thank your present self for investing in your dog’s experiences early on.

When social targets are missed, there are significant fall-outs that appear months or years later. I have seen the result of this fall-out way too often. It’s evident in the hundreds of shelter dogs I’ve worked with at the Dane County Humane Society. It’s evident when people with dogs in the vet clinic where I work show they are frustrated with their dog’s conduct and apologize for their behavior.  It’s evident in daycare puppies I have watched grow into adults. These dogs have taught me that taking puppy class is not enough.   It does not have to be this way.  Take the pressure off of yourself, I’ll swiftly put my years of observation and experience to work for you!

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Let me create an optimist out of your puppy!

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Sarah Hau - Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed

I’m a lifelong learner, and when it comes to dogs, there is a whole heap of information out there.  Some of it is good, a LOT of the popular stuff is bad. I have studied old methods that have stood the test of time, and I have studied old methods that were based on incomplete understandings, yet are still widely and incautiously used today.  I’ve practiced the proven methods with rats, foxes, bison, and wolves. And lots of dogs. I did so much “continuing education” before I became a Certified Professional Dog Trainer that by the time I got my certification, the information was second-nature to me.  I’ve dabbled in dog sports and search-and-rescue. I have spent thousands of hours actively observing dog body language and dog-dog interactions, and when someone points out something new to me, I watch all of the same things with a totally different understanding.  You will get the best parts of all of this when you work with me. My mission is to create experiences for you and your dog to grow together.